It feels like ages since we were open, but so much has happened since the start of 2023 at The Hive! In January, along with an awesome group of our volunteers, we emptied and dismantled the polytunnel to make way for a new log cabin which will be a warm and dry shelter for everyone that uses the site. We are thrilled with the result and cannot wait to show you around once we reopen at the end of April. We are hugely grateful to all our volunteers who helped us clear and dismantle the old polytunnel and prepare the ground for the new log cabin. We are also very grateful to all our benefactors who have made this possible, including the National Lottery, the Bury St Edmunds Quakers and Suffolk Community Foundation. We will be hosting a family day on 30th May in half term which we hope lots of our members will be able to attend to see the new cabin nicely settled in. In the meantime, our regular sessions will relaunch the week beginning 24th April and we have a slightly altered timetable for this term. Mondays: mornings - privately booked SEND school session, afternoons - 2-4pm Hive Eco Kids (fully booked) Tuesdays: mornings - Nature Explorers Stay and Play family session 10-12, afternoons - privately booked SEND school session Wednesdays: mornings - Nature Explorers Stay and Play family session 10-12, gardening group, afternoons - currently available for hire Thursdays: mornings - currently available for hire, afternoons: privately booked SEND school session, evenings - drumming sessions Fridays: mornings - currently available for hire, afternoons: privately booked SEND school session Saturdays: 27th May, 24th June 29th July 11-2 Nature Explorers for Grown Ups, 13th May, 10th June, 8th July 2-4pm Nature Explorers Stay and Play family session Events coming up - 20th May 2023 Abbey Alive at Abbey Gardens, 30th May 2023 Family day at The Hive, 1st July 2023 Green Fair at The Apex, 24th September 2023 St Edmundsbaby Fair at The Apex Link to Nature Explorers Stay and Play family sessions booking: Link to Grown up sessions booking: If you are not already a Hive member, the link to sign up is here: The site is available to hire for workshops/classes and birthday parties. Please email [email protected] for a booking form and to enquire about availability. Prices are from £15 per hour for Hive members. We look forward to welcoming you back to the Hive, or for the first time if you haven't been before! Please see below for photos from the construction of the log cabin and our last two events at The Apex.
Best wishes, Steph and Claire x We have had a whole year at our beautiful site in Bradfield St George and we want to share some of our fabulous achievements from the last few months with you. We have been running various sessions for families and children: We have worked with local schools and education settings at the site: We have hosted a variety of workshops with guest tutors including Floristry with Taran Vernon, Willow Weaving with The Coddiwomplers, Pottery with Painted Peppermint, and Printmaking with Helen Forte. With the help of the children from The Creative Education Centre, we have dug out and created a wildlife pond. It is already teeming with life, including a wide variety of dragonflies! We have been working alongside other wonderful local people and organisations to benefit our community even more: We rely on the generosity of the public, our members, sponsors and grant funding to provide our services to the community. Find out how you can help us at We are so grateful to everyone who has helped us during this extremely difficult year, and to those who have enabled us to make a difference in our local community. Come and see us at the Green Fair this Sunday at The Apex.
After several postponed attempts at hosting the next Green Fair we are finally set to go ahead this Sunday, 4th July. We are so proud to welcome such a variety of businesses, charities and local organisations to our first "proper" event of 2021. The fair is a celebration of all things eco friendly and an opportunity to find some of the best sustainable products and services that West Suffolk has to offer. We have a selection of stalls outside in Charter Square, in the main auditorium of The Apex and upstairs in the lounge area of The Apex. There will be different talks and presentations every half hour throughout the day - free tickets must be booked in advance for each talk here.
For more information please see below or go to for links to each stallholder's website or social media pages. We cannot wait to welcome you along on Sunday. Please come and say hello. Entry is free and the fair will run from 1030am until 430pm. It seems only yesterday that I was sitting in my kitchen coming up with the idea of The Hive and producing a drawing that led to the formation of our Community Interest Company, but really it was this time last year. I could not be prouder of everything we have achieved in such a short space of time, none of which would have been possible without the unbelievable team around me. I would like to apologise for the delay in getting this season’s newsletter out to you. The COVID-19 situation hit just as we had signed the lease for our new site, and I personally found the lockdown emotionally and mentally difficult. As a result, the concept of spending my three months at home being super productive and catching up on admin was a bit over ambitious. However, thanks to some truly incredible friends and family, I am now back up and running, and nearly fully functional again. As we tentatively peek out of lockdown and hope and pray that it does not return for a second wave, a whole host of wonderful things have been happening at The Hive. Firstly, the site! Since our last newsletter, we have taken on the tenancy on a plot of land at Bradfield St George. The land is owned by the local Parochial Church Council (PCC), and has previously been leased by horticultural businesses, so it has a wide variety of trees and plants, and a rich and diverse assortment of birds and insects. The site is about three acres, and sits right on the edge of Bradfield, on the Rougham/Bury side. It is immediately adjacent to the Baptist Church cemetery and is surrounded on either side by agricultural fields. There were already three large polytunnels on the site, one of which had no cover, and the site had a well-established woodland zone, orchard and meadow. We had just started to prepare the polytunnels for growing fruit and vegetables when lockdown began. Fearing that the site would be unmanaged for the foreseeable future, we were delighted when two of our trustees, Emmie and Greg, volunteered to stay on the land to look after the plants and the site. It is no exaggeration to say that without them, it would have taken us about a year to have got to the stage it is at now. They are both gardeners and permaculture specialists, and they have regenerated the site and transformed it into a wildlife and gardening haven. I am beyond grateful to them for everything they have done, and now look forward to learning from them as we are allowed more people at the site. Since restrictions began to lift, we have made a lot of progress in getting the site ready for use by the public. Two of the polytunnels are now fully functioning growing spaces, with tomatoes overflowing everywhere – these will be available at the end of the drive for a donation! The third polytunnel will be our community space, for people to eat lunch, have a cup of tea, read a book or just sit and chat. We are going to refloor this polytunnel and turn it into a beautiful space for everyone to enjoy. There will be a library of resources and books for people to use while at the site and, eventually, a little eco-friendly shop. As well as the community space in the polytunnel, we have invested in a large log cabin to use as an outdoor classroom space. Our original idea of a yurt or bell tent did not seem sturdy enough to withstand the high winds we have experienced at the site. The cabin will be hireable by educational and wellbeing groups, and act as an indoor option when holding sessions at the site. The cabin is due to be built towards the end of the summer, and we will need some volunteers to help clear the base ready for it, and to construct the cabin when it arrives. We have plans to make the boundaries more secure by adding fencing and natural hedging along the edges, especially near the road. We shall be applying for a tree pack to plant a variety of trees along the edge adjacent with the field, to protect the site from the wind, and from any agricultural spraying etc. We have made a connection with a local beekeeper, who is hoping to have a couple of hives at the site. Eventually, this will lead to some educational sessions for adults and children to learn about bees, and any surplus honey produced by the hives will be sold in our shop. We are negotiating with other businesses who may collaborate with us, including a potential refill station for the local community. There are a few plans already for the day to day use of the site, and a weekly timetable is quickly forming. We have also made plans to offer various workshops at weekends, including First Aid, which will initially be in October. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be our community days, where our members will be welcome to come and use the site and take part in whatever activities are going on each week. We also hope to host seasonal family days, which would include crafts, gardening, storytelling, facepainting and other activities for families. ![]() As well as the site, we have been developing our community network throughout the lockdown. Steph has completed an Eco Directory, which is available to view in full on the website, or to purchase in print for £3 . This contains information and resources for individuals, families, communities, businesses and councils in the region to enable them to reduce their carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly. Over the last few weeks, The Hive has developed an Eco Forum in collaboration with various representatives from local organisations, businesses, West Suffolk Council and local residents who share our passion in making Bury a greener place to live. The Eco Forum is a place to share skills and expertise to bring about positive change in our community and to focus and act on local issues affecting the environment. You can find out more on the Eco Forum page or join the Eco Forum’s Facebook group at to get involved. We have been successful in applying for funding from local councillors, and are hugely grateful to Cllrs Ingwall-King, Clarke, Chung, Warby, Everitt and Mildmay White for using their locality budgets to support us as we get started. We hope to be able to invite them to our postponed launch event as soon as restrictions allow us! We received a very generous £4,400 in total from these councillors. As well as money from funding, we have also received donations of £205 from our GoFundMe campaign, £200 from Sustainable Bury, £250 from ÄlskaECO CIC, £250 from Our Bury St Edmunds and £165 from members of the public at The Green Fair. Steph and Claire have also provided Director’s loans of £2,000 each to get us off the ground. We have started a membership scheme as well, and currently have two families signed up, as well as one business. To sign up as a member, visit Keep an eye on the website and our social media channels for updates about our progress and any events which we are hosting. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to the site soon. Steph |
NewsFind out about what The Hive has been up to through our seasonal newsletters, emailed via the mailing list and posted here. Archives
April 2023
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